For All The Cancer Survivors

Cancer Survivorship概念

Cancer Survivorship概念

Cancer Survivorship」は、1986年に米国のNCCS(The National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship)が、新しい癌生存の概念として打ち出したもので、以下のような意味があります。

An individual is considered a cancer survivor from the time of diagnosis, through the balance of his or her life. Family members, friends, and caregivers are also impacted by the survivorship experience and are therefore included in this definition. Adapted from the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship.


NCCS’s vision is to be the most effective advocate at the federal level for quality cancer care for all people with cancer.
NCCS represents the millions of Americans who share a common experience – the survivorship experience – living with, through and beyond a cancer diagnosis. That experience has value and can be a transforming, positive force. NCCS also knows that cancer survivors and those who care for them face many challenges. To help meet those challenges, NCCS:

●Advocates for changes in how the nation researches, regulates, finances and delivers quality cancer care.
● Empowers cancer survivors through its publications and programs.
●Converses other national cancer-related organizations to address public issues

NCCSは、がんと生き、がんと克服し、がんを超えて生きる、がんのサバイバーシップという共通の経験をもつ何百万という米国人を代表する。その経験は価値があり、ポジティブな力と変わりえる。NCCSはまた、がんサバイバーやそのケアをする人々が多くの課題に直面していることを知っている。そうした課題に対処するため、NCCSは、 国の良質ながん医療の調査、規制、財源確保、そして実践にたいし、変化を訴える 出版やプログラムの実施を通じて、がんサバイバーを力づける

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